On the Job Training

In the recent times organization have moved away from proper training period for new entrant to "on the job training". There are many reasons which can be attributed to this movement. In today era where things are fast and furious, it's evident that the organization are also focused on faster result and therefore places the resource towards achieving the defined results, in which new entrant undergoing " On job Training (OJT) " is one of them. A new entrant is one who is high on energy / enthusiasm but low on experience and knowledge. Therefore, they are the most absorbent category of employees, who absorb anything which is thrown at them. This is same as a child who is keen on learning and is very observant. Therefore, it is best comparison to deduct some observations out of this comparison and new process of OJT. Lets question the regular practice of teaching a kid : What happens when this process is not followed and start teaching kid w...