STOP believing everything you see in Social Media !!!

It all started from 2004 with the birth of Orkut and Facebook in same year. In initial days everyone were tilted more to Orkut and with time Facebook gained popularity and finally Orkut had to face its natural death like any other product. Social media earlier started as platform to share your recent vacation, functions etc, but today has kept most of us 'busy' on to our smartphones. When I say 'Busy', it's according to comScore 2017 Future in Focus report, which measured an average person spending time on Top 5 social media which covers (Youtube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter) a person spends close to 2 hours on these media with 66% of interactions happening through smartphone and remaining of interactions over desktop. Photo by William Iven on Unsplash Average daily Time spent on Social media : Above clearly means we spend around 1 hour 56 minutes on top 5 social media, when you furt...