5 Things to learn from Marathon !

Just completed my first Marathon on 16th Oct and there is no doubt why this sport has gained a lot of attention in the recent years. For a commoner it is only a group of individuals running , but realised that a Marathon has plenty of lessons to teach.

1.  Know your limits :

The process of Marathon itself starts with registration to the event. There are many options on the table to choose, 42kms / 21kms / 10kms / 5 kms.
Here is where an individual needs to question his/her ability before registering to a particular category. If you tend to register to a category which is beyond the ability, you might only end up straining yourself draining out all energy and also sometimes not completing the race. Start with lowest of your ability and then move up the categories.

Aim High but start low. 

2.  Prepare for the race :
Now that you are aware for which category you would participate, prepare yourself. Time between from day of registration to day of race, you have time to prepare.
Jot down a plan where you can progress each day . This is important because you are completely unaware of your co-participants and their strengths and ability. Therefore, you are expected to deliver your BEST. 

Plan well before you execute !! 

3. Reserve Energy
Each and everyone have a different stamina / energy. Therefore you need not or must not start the race running fast / hard. Start Slow, and slowly accelerate your pace. After awhile everyone would reach their peak and would want to slow down or rest including yourself. So it's good to slow down in middle where you can access the scenario and calculate the distance left to achieve the task.

Enthusiasm is good, but don't get carried away with it and spend most of your energy / time at the starting itself. 

4. Motivation :
During the journey of Marathon, there are volunteers stationed for encouraging and motivating the runners.Thy applaud runners for their current achievement and motivate for achieving the balance. It's very important in our lives too where we need applause  for our achievement and motivation to go forward. 

Stay Motivated 

5. Rewards:
Runners who achieve the feat are all rewarded with either a medal / certificate which is a reward/ recognition for their efforts. Afterall, who doesn't look for rewards ? 

Work and you will get rewarded. 

Apply these aspects to any task of your life and am sure we can "Run" longer and better, each time improving our personal best. These are "My Thoughts" on Lessons from Marathon. Do share "Your Thoughts". 


  1. Nice Blog read after a long time...

    1. Thank you very much Karthik Krishnan for your kind words.


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