Quick Analysis & Learning from Fortune 500 Companies

Fortune Global 500 is the list of top 500 companies worldwide, published by Fortune Magazine, measured based on revenue. 

List varies each year and the below analysis is based on the list of Fortune companies available on PayScale website.

Based on the figures above :

1. Highest Average Median salary is around $ 69,856 and they have employees with an average age of around 38 years with an average tenure of 5.2 years in the same company.

So in the world of money, not everyone who pays high can expect the loyalty of their employees. There is more to money for any employee.

2. There are only 13 companies who pay more than $100,000 annually and the average age of the employees is 35, who stay for average tenure of 4 years.

Big Companies with around $100,000 median salary are
  • Google -  Avg employee age 29 with avg tenure of 1.1 year 
  • Amazon - Avg employee age 32 with avg tenure of 1.0 year                                        

3. Companies with lowest median age employees tend to provide low average salary as they incur more expense in training new employees. Such companies have employees who stay for an average of 2.0 to 2.6 years only.

4. The average age of  employees with a tenure more than 10 years in a single company,  is 45 years. Also, in around 20 companies with employees` average age less than 30 years stay for only 2.7 years

 Does this indicate that young employees look for frequent change, whereas older employees stick to the organizations for a longer period ? 

These observations are #Mythoughts and would like to know yours.


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