5 Things to do in New Office !!

First day to office, get the best shirt you have, get the best trousers, polish the shoes until it shines like a mirror, get the best perfume etc etc..... So it is the best you put on to impress the people you will be meeting in first day of first / new company. Let's look into some of the must do things as an employee joining a new organization : 1. Be who you are : While they say "First Impression is the best impression", be who you are, do not over impress. While many employees take the extra effort to be accepted in new organization, what they miss out is probably that this extra effort would cost them in future. As people build expectations with your initial few interactions and to retain the impression with them new employees continue to deliver the extra effort which would drain out their energy. Therefore, be who you are !! 2. Listen carefully : Open your ears widely to listen every bit of conversation. Restrain as much as you can from partici...