The 3 Monkeys of Communication !

Communication forms one of the key challenge any organisation faces. The "Three wise monkeys" pictorially depict "see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil". But in this article, the three wise monkeys are interpreted in a positive way and term them as "The three Communication monkeys".


The 1st monkey is shows "EYES", i.e it is important for us to see and observe whats happening around us.

(play the below video first before reading further)

Credit : Daniel J Simons

The monkey business is the most ideal test to check our observation skills, as many who take this test would fail in noticing all the three changes.

Changes :
a. Gorilla walks in between the passes
b. The girls with black shirt walk out
c. The change in curtain colors.

Therefore, this video to how we observe minute details. It is all happening right in front of us, but since we are held up in some other activity, we tend to ignore / don't observe these minute details. 


The 2nd monkey is shows "EARS", i.e it is important for us to listen attentively.

Listening is so important, because it is not only the words spoken which are being processed, its even the tone which communicates.

Also it is common for people that they start thinking of what and how they would communicate even before the other person completes the speaking.

Therefore, always keep your ears wide open, first listen, then understand and then act. If we fail in our first two (i.e listening and understanding) then the actions we take might not yield the required result.



The 3rd monkey is shows "MOUTH", i.e it is important for us to speak and put across our point of views across to the person. As mouth is one of the prime reasons for creation of a dispute and resolving it too, all depends on the choice of words, the tone of speech. Always keep the following in mind :

1.  Speak in calm tone : Tone of your voice can sometimes get you into trouble. Therefore, practice and recognize your calm tone and as much as possible utilize this tone in your day to day speech / interactions.

2.  Think / rehearse before you speak : Doesn't matter if you are termed a slow speaker, but if you have an issue of not finding the right words, it might be cause you are in a hurry to complete your sentence. Therefore, slow down and always think and rehearse before you speak. This would also help in correcting your tone and choice of words.

With these "My thoughts", would request you to try practising these three from today onward and share your experiences. Am sure you communication skills depicted from these three monkeys will increase exponentially and you will be a better communicator.


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