How to have right Manager-Employee combination for healthy Organisation ?

Manager - Employee relationship forms the critical aspect for organisation success. 80% of employees leave Managers and not organisation and according to popular survey more than 50% of employees are unhappy with their direct supervisors. The friction between Managers and employees leads to low morale, productivity and therefore has an impact on the organisation's growth. Therefore, it is important for a good Manager-Employee relationship for success of a organisation growth.

Here are some of thoughts for an effective Manager-Employee relationship

1. For success it is always important that organisation goes through continuous changes with many new ideas, but acceptability of change depends on each employee. Also, having different mix of Manager and employee can also lead to unhealthy environment and thus impacting organisation growth.  Therefore, its important to have right mix of Manager and Employee which impacts both the environment and organisation. 

According to John C Maxwell, there are 5 types of employees.

       a. Innovators : These are people who come up with Ideas. 
       b. Early Adopters : These are people who know a good idea when they see it. 
       c. Middle Adopters : These are people who respond to opinion of others. They are reasonable                 with their analysis of idea, but are inclined towards maintaining the status quo. 
       d. Late Adopters : These are people who are against the changes and never verbally accept. 
       e. Laggards : These are people who are always against bringing in any change. 

Now imagine the various mix of Employee and Manager in same team. Below matrix is an attempt bringing out various combinations in a team and it's impact on relationship of Manager and Employee inturn impacting organization's development. 

How to read above matrix ? 

     a. When an employee is an Innovator and Manager is Laggard, it creates unhealthy environment, because while employee brings in ideas to change, Manager would reject them fearing the change.

     b.  When employee is Innovator and Manager is an Early Adopter, such relation would be ideal for growth of organisation too. 

     c. A Laggard Manager and Laggard employee might enjoy good relationship, but that would always have bad results for organisation growth.

2. Managers need to empower employees based on their year of experience in position or role. Micro-Managing an experienced employee can lead to frustrations and not guiding a new employee will lead to directionless path.

Here is a 2 x 2 matrix on Adapting style for a manager based on employee capability and experience.

3. Don't keep your employees in dark. There are many decisions which are needed to be made by a Manager which doesn't favour the employee which leads to de-motivation / feels being targeted. But as Manager, he/she needs to explain employee (good ones) the rationality behind the decision and explain how it impacts the growth of organisation. Some times the employee might not buy the explanation, that is understood as it would have personal impact, but it is good that Manager makes an attempt. 

Thus maintaining a healthy relationship between Manager and Employee will create a productive environment impacting the organisation growth.  

Do share your thoughts on above and more methods / ways for a healthy Manager and Employee relation.


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