Human Body an excellent analogy to Company Organizations !

The human body is best example to compare with the organization hierarchy and learn out of it. Each level is important in an organization and they have defined responsibility to do, changing responsibility will only result in undesired results.

Wondering HOW ? Let me try to explain.

To explain this, let me take an activity which all of us enjoy doing. “Eating”.


The Brain is the top management of any organization. It doesn’t do any activity but only instructs each organ to do particular work. It is able to evaluate options better between the right and wrong. When the food / drink is too hot, then the brain instructs to remove the food out of the mouth to avoid any burns. When in normal conditions, it instructs to chew the food.


The mouth receives the food and breaks them into smaller food which would be easier for stomach to do its work.


The mouth would have broken the food into smaller food, making the work for stomach easier and digest the food. Had the food been swallowed without chewing it makes it tougher. That’s exactly what MID Managers do or supposed to do; make work easier for their employees at the operational level

And with the digestion of work, suitable energy is provided to each level in terms of motivation / accolades etc..

It is also important to segregate the waste from the food and throw it out of the body. Retaining it within the body will only lead to many gastro problems and health hazardous which is identical to an organization to segregate waste from the good food and throw them out at the regular intervals, else it will only create hazardous to the organization.

Best thing is they also sit accordingly, the Brain is at the Top, Mouth is middle, the stomach at bottom, all hierarchically. 

Here are “My Thoughts” on comparing Human body with Organization. Would love to hear more from you and deduct more such comparisons for more learning.. 


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